
Showing posts from March, 2006

Teas and Herbal Concoctions

By Thomas Gaudette I think from this point forward you should be very explicit in the form of tea you mean, of course you were referring to Black, Green, Oolong, Red, or White Tea, but that should always be mentioned due to the major misconception (to nobodies fault) that the Tea mentioned is of the same plant, coming from Camellia sinensis, this shrub produces the leave and dependent on the preparation of the leaf, is where one obtains the various “teas or Tea” as mentioned above. Furthermore in life, sometimes when one says, writes, or depicts tea, that one is mentioning a broad spectrum of tea in general, which some think consists of any orally acceptable decoction of the various thousands of plants which are beneficial to humans/animals/plants, ie. a cup of tea, one usually thinks of black or Oolong or green but it could refer as mentioned in the last sentence any of the thousands of herbs, like an herbal tea. For example; Refering to the book 20,000 secrets of tea, Cranberry; a be...

Natural Health Remedy - Feel Better More Quickly

Author: Alden Smith Being ill and feeling run down all the time is not the best way to enhance your productivity at work and your energy at home. The reality of this situation is that many people suffer from fatigue and don't know that there is a simple remedy for it. When your body does not receive the correct amounts of the proper nutrients, it cannot carry out its everyday functions properly. This is often caused by a lack of vital nutrients in the body. In the meantime, you are expecting all kinds of things from your body. You might want it to deliver, but your inputs are just not creating the right outputs. Feeling lethargic, with a lack of energy and stamina is a sure sign of loss of natural nutrients in the body. Many natural health remedies will help you fight all these issues with which your body is faced. A natural health regimen will incorporate the right eating habits, which means your body will get the right food to help you keep fatigue and lethargy at bay. Natural he...

Living Naturally - Natural Health and Skin Care

By: Debi Harris Today's lifestyle leaves us open to a daily chemical assault, from the air we breathe to the water we drink, and the skincare and haircare products we use on a daily basis. It is not known what the long-term effects of these chemicals will be, but one thing's for sure, it can't be good. Some people are unaware of the huge amounts of additives in their food, water and personal care products. Some are too busy to care, and others have the attitude ' Yes I know, it's awful, but what can you do?' The informed, wise people out there though, are taking a different view. Any species that fails to live in harmony with it's natural environment will eventually make itself extinct. Fact. It's nature. If human beings carry on the way they are going, they will indeed end up extinct.. For instance, 100 years ago, cancer affected approximately 1 in every 50 people. Now it strikes 1 in 3. It won't be long before it is striking half the population. It...