The 15 Most Powerful Healing Herbs in Your Kitchen
by John Elliott aka Oaky Wood Since ancient times our ancestor's harvested the many herbs and spices that grew wild around them, mixed potions, and treated ailments. Man was after all a hunter-gatherer, and an omnivore, (an organism which gets its food energy from both plant and animal material). The humble herb and spice rack in your kitchen today need not be just a decorative feature, although they look quite pleasing to the eye hanging on the wall, in both modern and old fashioned styled homes. They can in fact hold a plethora of natural healing ingredients that can also add great taste to the foods you eat every day. Of all the herbs and spices you can choose from for flavour, there are 15 that are more powerful than the rest. Below is the list and you may well be surprised to learn of the many diverse conditions for which they've proven so very useful. 1/. BASIL Basil is an herbal carminative, that is, it can relieve gas and soothe stomach upsets. One possible explanation ...