How To Curb Your Appetite with Herbs
Author: Gregg Hall The Chinese have used herbs for medicinal purposes for over 4000 years. Today, the medical community, who once shunned the use of herbs for medicinal purposes, is starting to take notice of the benefits of using herbs. Herbs are nutritionally sound and can offer a healthy, natural alternative to nourish and heal the body. Herbs can also give the body the nutrients that the body does not always get through a regular diet. Herbs can include leaves, bark, berries, roots, seeds, stems, gums and flowers. They can also come in many forms including tablets, capsules, bark pieces, powders, extracts, creams, lotions, oils, liquids and salves. When buying herbs of any kind, it is important to look for the word "standardized" on the label. Because most herbs are not FDA approved, the label on herbs provides important safety and dosage information. When purchasing herbs you should look for freshness. Those that are loose and sold in bulk have almost no nutritional valu...