Old Fashioned Remedies-Folk Medicine
Author: ElmerFizz Despite progress we always have those among us who believe the "old fashioned" ways or products are better. It has to be said that in some instances they are correct. Sadly, with each passing generation, some of this old fashioned wisdom disappears. Progress is so contemporary and so closely a part of our daily lives that we sometimes fail to recognize that we, ourselves, may fail to keep up with what is happening. Things that we would have considered very modern because we witnessed their creation only a few years ago may already be "old fashioned" to high school students. In the medical world, treatment that might have been popular for a disease in 1986 may be completely outmoded in 2006. Even medical discoveries of the 1990's may be old fashioned today. However, over the years, and for generation after generation, a great number of home remedies for many illnesses have managed to stay alive. They have been passed down from elders to youngste...