Going Natural With Hair Loss Remedies
by: Eric V. Allen Since the introduction of Rogaine in the early 1980's, androgenic mediated hair loss, or 'male pattern baldness' has been considered a treatable condition through the use of pharmaceutical preparations. The perception that over-the-counter and prescription drugs are the only means to successfully treat this type of hair loss is perpetuated by the lack of well-funded and publicized studies on the efficacy of natural treatments. However, as the understanding of the biological mechanism of male pattern baldness has become clear through a great body of research, the reality of an effective natural treatment regimen is at hand. After a review of the available natural products, some suggestions will be made for creating your own regimen for treating hair loss naturally. The overall cause of male pattern baldness is now well-known: this type of hair loss seen in about a third of the male population is mediated by the androgenic metabolite of testosterone known as...